Jenni Tilton-Flood
Jenni Tilton-Flood is a farm family member of Flood Brothers Farm, LLC in Clinton, Maine where 3 generations of 6 Flood families made up of 21 family members form the core of a family dairy farm providing 17,000 gallons of fresh, local quality milk each and every day from the 1,700 cow milking herd.
Jenni is involved with the farm’s sustainability initiatives & compliance and advocates on behalf of dairy, agriculture, environment, food insecurity, and rural communities. She is Chair of Maine Dairy & Nutrition Council, serves on the Waldo County Bounty Board, is Commissioner and Immediate Past Chair of Volunteer Maine/Maine Commission for
Community Service, represents all of Maine’s dairy farmers nationally as a Director on the United Dairy Industry Association & Dairy Management Inc. board, Vice Chair of DMI’s Sustainability Committee, serves as Maine’s Dairy Sustainability Alliance farmer representative, and serves on Sodexo’s Maine Course Advisory Committee. Within her co-op, Cabot Creamery Cooperative, she serves as Vice Chair of the Legislative & Education Committee and member of Cabot’s Sustainable Farms Committee. She
collaborates with the American Business Immigration Coalition and Maine Business Immigration Coalition and operates a farm stand with her husband.
She’s been called an “outspoken advocate” when it comes to Maine, agriculture, and rural communities, and she wouldn’t deny or shy away from that description for a hot minute.
- Clinton, Maine