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The COVID-19 crisis necessitated a sharp pivot for many organizations and Food Rescue Hero is no exception. In response to the unprecedented need, coupled with an unprecedented danger for congregate distribution, 412 Food Rescue and Prince William Food Rescue piloted home delivery to seniors and vulnerable individuals and families. This pilot laid the groundwork for the upcoming Home Delivery Feature launch, coming in September. This feature will allow dispatchers to create a one-to-many rescue, i.e. one volunteer picks up at one donor, and delivers to many locations.

We will also be able to restrict access to these rescues for approved individuals who have had their background checks completed. While the home delivery system was the inspiration for this, this technology will also allow for one-to-many rescues from distributors and other large donors allowing us to efficiently and effectively break up donations to manageable sizes for receiving agencies and enable our food rescue organizations to distribute food to more nonprofits.